Sunday, March 22, 2020

Herodotus Essay Research Paper Herodotus 484424 BC free essay sample

Herodotus Essay, Research Paper Herodotus ( 484-424 BC? ) a Grecian historiographer, known as the male parent of history, who was the first historiographer to use critical rating to his stuff, while besides entering divergent sentiments. He made his prose manner resemble the finest poesy by its strength, its appeal, and its utterly delicious consequence. Although his Hagiographas have been praised, their trustiness has been questioned both in antediluvian and modern times. After four old ages in Athens, he traveled widely in Egypt, Asia and the Black Sea part of E. Europe, before settling at Thurii in S. Italy in 443 BC. He wrote histories of his assorted travels for the people of Greece. He read his, # 8220 ; History # 8221 ; publically to the Athenians and was rewarded for this historical work. He contrived to put before his chap citizens a general image of the universe, of its assorted races, and of the old history of those states which had one. We will write a custom essay sample on Herodotus Essay Research Paper Herodotus 484424 BC or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He besides was really careful to diversify his pages by dispersing among his more serious affair narratives, anecdotes, and descriptions of a lighter character, which are really graceful add-ons to the chief narrative. Two work forces are celebrated coevalss of Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon, who were both from Athens. Thucydides ( 460 BC # 8211 ; 400 BC? ) was a better historiographer than Herodotus and his critical usage of beginnings and research made his # 8220 ; History of the Peloponnesian War # 8221 ; a important influence on ulterior coevalss of historiographers. Xenophon ( 430 BC # 8211 ; 355 BC? ) began his # 8220 ; Hellenica where Thucydides ended his work about 411 BC and carried his history to 362 BC. His Hagiographas were superficial in comparing to those of Thucydides, but he wrote with authorization on military matters.Herodotus believed that many Grecian rites and imposts were inherited from the Egyptians as the Grecian civilisation developed. He recorded the broad scope of spiritual patterns he encountered in his travels, comparing the spiritual observations of assorted civilizations, such as forfeit and worship, with their Grecian equivalents. He rather perchance followed the cult patterns of Serapis, which is the Grecian Name for Osiris the incarnation of goodness, who ruled the underworld. He identified Isis with Demeter, the Greek goddess of Earth, agribusiness, and birthrate. About two centuries subsequently, under the Greco-Egyptian Empire, which was created by Alexander the Great, the worship of Osiris ( Serapis ) was developed as a agency of uniting the Greeks and Egyptians. He observed that the Egyptians strongly opposed the acceptance of foreign customs. However, at Chemmis, at large city near Neapolis, the people worshipped Perseus, a Greek god. Greek ceremonies were used and gymnastic games were held in his honor. Chemmites believed that Perseus belonged to their city by descent.His account of the mourning practices relates to the artwork of the â€Å"Wall Painting at Hierakonpolis† of the late pre-dynastic period. In the painting, a funerary scene is depicted with people, animals, and boats. In the boats, there are tombs and mourning women. Herodotus states that during the mourning the women would wander through the streets weeping with their bare breasts exposed beating themselves for seventy (70) days and would sing the song of Maneros, the funeral dirge. This customary song of Maneros (in Egypt) is identical to the song called Linus (in Greece). While this mourning period was occurring the body was t aken to a professional embalmer, who would remove the brain (through the nostrils) and the other organs and treat the body inside with drugs, spices, and oils. They would then place the body entirely in natrum for seventy (70) days. After that exact time the body was washed, and wrapped in linen bandages from head to foot covered in gum that was used as glue, and given back to the family for burial. When a foreigner lost his life by falling prey to a crocodile or by drowning in the Nile River, the law allowed for the body to be embalmed in the manner such as the treatment of a wealthy Egyptian. This was done because of the beliefs of Egyptians that the death of such a manner transcends the body as something more than just a mere man. Works CitedBlakeney, E.H.. The Histories of Herodotus. Trans. George Rawlinson. New York. Everymans Library Series, E.P. Dutton, 1970.†Greek Mythology.† Microsoft ? Encarta ? 98 Encyclopedia. ? 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights res erved.†Herodotus.† Microsoft ? Encarta ? 98 Encyclopedia. ? 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.†Isis (mythology).† Microsoft ? Encarta ? 98 Encyclopedia. ? 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.†Religion.† Microsoft? Encarta ? 98 Encyclopedia. ? 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.†History Part V.† Webster’s Encyclopedia. Webster’s Interactive Encyclopedia 1998.? Encore Software. 1998 Helicon Publishing Ltd. CD

Thursday, March 5, 2020

International Sport Events In The Netherlands Tourism Essays

International Sport Events In The Netherlands Tourism Essays International Sport Events In The Netherlands Tourism Essay International Sport Events In The Netherlands Tourism Essay 1.Introduction Without a successful execution of a superb scheme, it will hold no value. For a superb executing a successful scheme has to be created for every athletics organisation who wants to form such an events as the World Cup Football, Ryder Cup, Olympic Games, World Cup Hockey and Tour de France. The Olympic Games, World Cup Football and the Ryder Cup are the three biggest featuring events in the universe in footings of witness screening ( Tucker, 2007 ) . When a state wants to form such a large athletics event, the forming state has to hold a possible to form such an event and do an offer which can non be refused by the athletics commissions. This paper can added value and assist to supply such an offer which can non be refused. In the Netherlands there are athletics organisations which have the dream to form an event as the RyderCup 2014, World Cup Football 2018 or 2022 and the Olympic Games 2028 in the Netherlands. This paper has to place the most of import factors that have influence on a winning command for those events and do the dream become true. The construct of command on an international athletics event has grown the last decennaries. It has started merely before the Olympics of 1984 ( Los Angeles, USA ) . Such an international athletics event like the Olympics and the World Cup Football can supply the host metropolis and state a batch of benefits, but these are non ever guaranteed ( Meannig and Du Plessis, 2007 ) . For illustration, the Olympics of 1976 ( Montreal, Canada ) resulted in a immense sum of debts. Therefore, the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) was since the Olympics of 1984 more focused on cost efficiency, low-risk and the use of bing substructure. The consequence of this attack was a immense fiscal success for Los Angeles 1984. Besides this, grosss from telecasting rights and sponsorships were increasing so more states were interested in forming such a athletics event ( Shoval, 2002 ) . The organisation of the international athletics events has to present an excellent offer, which exceeds outlook, to the commission by the organisation of the athletics event in the Netherlands. This research has the end to derive an understanding what it takes to win the command of some great sport event by placing the cardinal success factors of the command procedure. The research on this subject had an international focal point so there is no article of all time written on Dutch athletics event command. Therefore, this subject is really interesting for carry oning research. 1.1 Research inquiries To form such an event, an initial missive has to be written to the commission of the athletics event. With the dorsum of the Dutch Government they have to compose a missive of purpose to do the command functionary. Within this missive, the organisation will depict their program of action and why the event has to be in the Netherlands. With the deficiency of research on event command in the Netherlands, this research will concentrate on the apprehension of what it takes to win the command for an international athletics event by placing the cardinal success factors of the biding procedure. In this research, the most of import cardinal success factors will be identified and what the influence on the winning command will be. The inquiry of this research will be stated as followed: What are the indispensable factors and how can these be incorporated to make a winning command for an international athletics event in the Netherlands? 1.2 Sub inquiries I have divided the research inquiry in the undermentioned sub-questions: i‚Â · What are the advantages and this advantages of forming an international athletics event in the Netherlands? i‚Â · What are the stairss involved in the command procedure of an international athletics event? i‚Â · What are success factors for winning event commands by and large and within the Nederlands? i‚Â · What are the past experiences of implementing a command for an international athletics event in The Netherlands? 1.3 Command on major athletics events The growing of commercialisation in athletics has been significantly increased the last decennaries. International athletics events are really interesting for host economic systems, companies and athletics organisations ( Slack, 1998 ) . This is non merely because of economic benefit but every bit good for societal and political benefits ( Swart and Bob, 2004 ) . The complexness and benefits for hosting such a athletics event are grounds why athletics events are presently capable to a command procedure. The commands of the host states are presented to the boards and commissions for blessing ( e.g. IOC, FIFA, UEFA and RyderCup ) . The commissions of those major athletics events organize a competitory auction in the signifier of commands by possible host states to maximise the gross from the rights to form an major athletics event. This command procedure can be seen as a monopolizer confronting a competitory groups of bidders were three parties are able to pull out much of the fiscal benefit of hosting the athletics event from the command states. The athletics commissions sign a contract with the host state that regulates the flow of benefits associated with the athletics event. Hosting an international athletics event can be seen in an economical point of position as a right, which the host state buys from the athletics commissions ( Maenning and Du Plessis, 2007 ) 1.4 Model of the command procedure Offering on an international athletics event can be visualized in a conceptual theoretical account ( figure 1 ) . This theoretical account shows the relationships with different elements taken into contemplation that have impact on the mark of the thesis. The theoretical account shows the factors that are of import and of influence on a command procedure for an international athletics event. 1.5 Relevance In this Master thesis the research worker have tried to acquire more cognition on the indispensable factors to make a winning command on an international athletics event in the Netherlands. To make a winning command a big fiscal investing is needed but hosting an international athletics event can convey tremendous benefits. This is the ground why the figure of bidders is increasing tremendously. Due this fact, this specific research on the indispensable factors for hosting an international event can be of added value for the event bidder. Besides, on the subject on event command is really small known. The relevancy of this research could be of influence on the determination shapers for coming bid book shapers for hosting an international athletics event in the Netherlands. 2. Research Methodology 2.1 Introduction This chapter outlines the research methodological analysis used for this Master thesis. It will do clear which types of informations have been used and more significantly why. Furthermore, it should do clear how the analyses have been conducted and where the decisions are based on. 2.2 Research design To reply the research inquiry, this chapter should do clear how the research have been conducted the analysis and were the decision are based on. The information for this study consist out of primary and secondary informations. The primary information is collected by qualitative interviews with experts in the field of international athletics events or command procedures. Qualitative attack is taken, because more practical penetrations into a command procedure can be taken. This is non possible when the research is conducted merely via qualitative informations. The secondary informations comes from theoretical cognition, which is available. The secondary informations can been found through literature from diaries, books and research studies. Most of this information is related to international athletics events and non to feature events in the Netherlands. Besides this, a good reply on the research inquiry can be reached through the information from international athletics events. The combination of primary and secondary informations can be used to reply the research inquiry and the sub inquiries. First, the sub inquiries will be answered which will take automatically to the reply of the chief inquiry. At the terminal, the consequences of the primary and secondary day of the month will be combined the come up with decisions and recommendations. 2.3 Interviews Qualitative interviews will be used for the primary informations. First of wholly, the inquiry list was set up. This list contains more than 20 inquiries, divided into different subjects with extra inquiries. These inquiries were based on the sub inquiries of the thesis. Before the interview, the chief subjects of the interview will be explained by a short debut. This, to give the interviewee a short indicant were the research worker is looking for and do them comfy with the interview. The interviewee was asked about his map and the engagement of the company/government into athletics events and about the added value for athletics events in the Netherlands. The command procedure is taken to research how the command procedure is set up, who is involved and what the chief phases are. The 2nd subject of the interview is stakeholder, which identifies the most of import people into the command procedure and what their influences can be. Success factors identifies and ranks the critical suc cess factors on a winning command. The 4th subject, international athletics events in the Netherlands acknowledge if concerns, authorities, ( local ) community are all supportive and enthusiastic about hosting such an event in the Netherlands. The last subject of the interview will be the Improvements on the command procedure of international athletics events in the Netherlands. 2.3.1 Choice of participants Besides the inquiry list was made, a list of participants was created for carry oning interviews. This list is divided into two different groups: ( a ) athletics and ( B ) industry environment. Group A: athletics: This group exists of people active within the athletics universe and involved in command procedures for international athletics events. Group B: industry environment. This group exists of stakeholders, the corporate universe and other experts in the field of 2.3.2 Data aggregation Initial contact was needed before the interviews could take topographic point. All contacts were made by the research workers straight. The interviews were conducted via face to face and telephone, due the troubles for doing an assignment. The interviews were recorded with permission of the interviewee. The interviews were recorded due the fact that the research worker do non desire to lose of import quotation marks and miss of import reading. Besides, the informations analyse could be done more exactly because the research worker could listen more times to the interview. This to guarantee no of import or valuable information was lost. 2.3.3 Data analysis After each interview was conducted, the interview was converted into transcripts. It was non literally typed out, because non all information was relevant for the research. After carry oning the interviews, all the interviews were analyzed on replies on the sub inquiry. These replies were compared with the theoretical portion of the thesis. The informations coming from the interviews were used to back up or strength the theoretical informations. 2.4 Decision In this chapter the research methodological analysis was set out for carry oning research. It started with the account of the usage of primary and secondary informations. After, an account of the set up for the interviews and the participants. Continued with the manner the information was collected and analyzed. With this, theoretical and practical informations were compared and could give informations to reply the sub inquiries for this thesis. 3. Theoretical model 3.1 Introduction In this chapter I will show a reappraisal of the literature to research what has been researched and written sing my subject. The information will be used to acquire a better apprehension of the subject with research that has been conducted by researches. The result of the deepness interview can be compared with the theoretical informations to acquire a better understanding about the command procedure for an international athletics event. The information that already has been written on my subject, I will utilize it to acquire a better apprehension on my subject. The interviews with specific spouses will be used to compare theoretical informations with practical informations. Both can take to the best attack, which can be used for the command procedure. Due the deficiency of information and literature to the command procedure of international athletics events in the Netherlands, I will concentrate chiefly on the information found about command and forming athletics events. The chapter is divided into different subdivisions. First the term international athletics events will be described. Second the advantages that can be achieved by forming major events. Followed by the most of import factors that are of import to make a winning command. After this the factors of influence will be discussed. Last, the past experience of event command in the Netherlands will be described. 3.2 An international athletics event Literature describes these sorts of events as particular, mega, alone or major events ( Getz, 1997 ; Hall, 1995 ) . All events have an pulling international attending, short continuance and organized one-off or on a regular rhythm. To form such an international event, support from the ( local ) authorities of the host state is needed. With this support, the organisation can reconstitute the substructure, altering policies, etc. The international athletics events pull a batch of international attending, because it is broadcasted all over the universe with many witnesss. All of those factors are related to an international athletics event and that is the ground why researches define this as an international athletics event. Events like the Olympics, World Soccer, Tour de France and the Ryder Cup are illustrations of an international athletics event. 3.3 Value of hosting events The literature describes the value of organisation such a alone event as the Olympics, World Soccer, Tour de France and the Ryder Cup. The hosting state can see socio-economic and political benefits before, during and after the event ( Swart and Bob, 2004 ; Jones, 2001 ) . A twosome of benefits are effects on the societal community, coevals of grosss, development bowls and substructure, excess touristry, return touristry via experiences and media exposure, and other economical benefits ( Swart and Bob, 2004Getz, 1997 ; Hall, 1995 ) . Besides the exhilaration of being a host state, a batch of media exposure can convey positive returns to the hosting state, which offset initial investing made ( Du Plessis, 2007 ) . Hall ( 1992 ) has found in his research that states or metropoliss besides host international athletics events for hiking their image of the state or metropolis in order to develop the touristry. With this a metropolis or state wants to be a concern or touristry finish. Fore sts ( 2005 ) mentioned that the above steps touchable impacts could besides be intangible impacts. Social intangible impacts such as quality of life, civic pride and societal properties of communities could alter into a positive or negative manner for the host state or metropolis. Forests ( 2005 ) explained the touchable and intangible impacts in a diagram for host states. This can be found in appendix A. 3.4 Factors of Influence With the fact the more and more states are offering on athletics events, it is of import to cognize the complexness and alone environment of the athletics industry. Due the fact that there is a limited supply of athletics events, it of import to cognize which factors influences the command procedure. Emery ( 2002 ) concluded the increasing demand from metropoliss to host athletics events and suggest that there is a demand to find the advantages of a state into the command procedure. A bidder should work their ain strengths instead than the failing into rivals. Therefore, several researches came up with cardinal factors into a winning command. The six factors of Crockett ( 1994 ) are: part publicity, fiscal returns, location determination, professional presentation, demands of determination shapers and economic impact. Emery ( 2002 ) came up with the undermentioned factors: full apprehension of the brief and the formal/informal decision-making procedure ; professional credibleness ; m ake non presume that decision-makers are experts, or that they use rational standards for choice ; custom-making professional touchable and intangible products/services and transcending outlook and cognizing the strengths and failings of your command in comparison to your competition. The cardinal success factors for command on an international athletics event were divided into two different groups: primary standards and new primary standards by the researches Ingerson and Westerbeek ( 2000 ) . Primary standards can be seen as pressing necessities to host an international athletics event in a state or metropolis. These standards must run into the demands of the event proprietors. The standards were: economic, political, substructure, media and proficient. After their research they came up with new primary standards which were: command trade name equity, edifice dealingss, bequest, offering experience, warrant added value, offering experience, originative statistics and command squad composing. After new research in 2002 of Ingerson and Westerbeek and in add-on Turner more of import factors were found. They came up with the eight success factors needed to make a winning command to form an international athletics event. The eight success factors defined by these research workers are: substructure, relationship selling, answerability, political support, ability, command squad composing, bing installations, and communicating and exposure. In the event proprietor view the ability factor of the forming squad can be seen as a important factor in the determination doing procedure to give the right to the squad to host the athletics event. The ability factor can be divided in proficient expertness, event direction and sport-specific expertness to run the event ( Ingerson, Westerbeek and Turner, 2002 ) 3.4.1 Bid Team Emery ( 2002 ) concluded in his research that a command squad must understand the formal and informal procedures and these should non be underestimated. A command squad with a batch of experiences in forming little or big ( international ) athletics event is really ideal, but this can be overcome by choosing cardinal individuals to fall in the command squad. 3.4.2 Stakeholders The engagement of stakeholders is important in portion of the command procedure and is aimed at increasing effectivity of describing to do certain that determinations really reflected the diverse involvements of all different histrions involved ( Frey, Iraldo and Melis, 2007 ) . It is necessary that the command squad cooperate with the cardinal stakeholders in the execution of an international athletics event. This to guarantee that different policies are complementary alternatively of viing with one other. A strong base of people who are in favor is important to make a winning command but it takes many stakeholders to form an international athletics event. An illustration with different stakeholders in the command procedure of an international athletics event is ; Local community Political and concern leaders Sport event commission Sport federations ( local ) Government Support from concern community Local community A important portion in the command procedure is the support of the local community. Without the support of the local community it is about impossible to form a successful international athletics event. A duologue between the command squad and the local community ( stakeholders ) is necessary to understand and analyse the impacts and jobs on the community. Support Business support and/or public support is frequently indispensable for an international athletics event because of the big sum of the fiscal committedness ( Westerbeek, Turner A ; Ingerson, 2002 ) . Another indispensable factor is the big measures of voluntaries that is necessary in the organisation ( Emery, 2002 ) . The securing of an international athletics event from portion of a more comprehensive touristry, concern investing scheme or athletics development to show that the major event is widely accepted and accepted by the community as a whole. Sport associations In the organisation procedure athletics federations, both at national every bit good as international degree are playing an of import function to make a winning command. At national degree the support of athletics federations are really of import in the command procedure. For illustration, to make a winning command for the Olympics in 2028 in Amsterdam support from the NOC*NSF ( Dutch Olympic Committee ) is necessary. On an international degree, support from the European athletics federation is critical in the command procedure like the UEFA ( European Football Association ) for the World Soccer Bid in 2018 in the Netherlands. Government, provincial and local political relations The organisation commission has to understand the bureaucratism of the authorities, provincial and local political relations. Besides, they have to put in this relationship. The organisation of the athletics event will be guarantee that there is a desire and support of the ( local ) authorities to procure the international athletics event for their state and part. A authorities relation s expert can be of added value for a command squad and its political support. First of all support from politicals is of import for procuring important resources such as physical, fiscal and human resources. Second, the support is needed for political and fiscal stableness of the hosting state in relation to the longer-term ends and policies of the authorities that will lend to the quality of the athletics event ( Westerbeek, Turner A ; Ingerson, 2002 ) . 3.5 Bidding procedure The command procedure is for every international athletics event different. This can differ significantly, depending on the sort of event. There is a difference between command for the Olympic Games or World Cup Baseball. Emery ( 1997 ) concluded that there seems to be a generic command procedure which can be used for all sort of athletics events that require a command. The environment of an international athletics event is really complex and involves different elements: resource, organisational and proficient complexness ( Maylor, 1996 ) . Harmonizing to the research of Emery ( 2002 ) the command procedure will last minimally one twelvemonth with three different organisational phases ( figure 2 ) . First of wholly, the group willing to take part in the command procedure should acquire blessing of the local council. Second, the group should convert the national athletics federation by offering a competitory command, which will go the national command after the blessing. Finally, this national command will be offered to the international athletics commission and this should take to a winning command and therefore the right to host the international athletics event. Figure 2: Basic sum-up of major event organisation relationships and construction ( Emery, 2002 ) Within the three phases, the degree of resource committedness, bureaucratism and engagement of stakeholders rises. When the right to host the international athletics event is officially, the low degree contractors are responsible for the major hazards associated with the event ( Emery, 2002 ) . Getz ( 2001 ) came up with another theory were the focal point is on relationship selling of the command procedure ( figure 3 ) . This theoretical account described the factors that influence a command procedure and a winning scheme. It described the standards for the event proprietor and on the other side the factors that influence the event organisers. Those standards come together and ensue to the command procedure. This theoretical account with the two standards is influenced by different critical success factors. Figure 3: Event command procedure ( Getz, 2001 ) Appendixs Appendix A